People should benefit of his useful art. Especially to those who normally have nothing to do with art and those who show no interest in it. Poggi goes to them, approaches them in their everyday surroundings and makes them his offers.
Wolfgang Längsfeld
Describing Pino Poggi as a pioneer in the tension field between art and environmental issues since 1966 would be far too shallow: He prescribes drastic remedies to the world like a utopianizing Doctor Eisenbart. He designs projects against the waste of nature, urban sprawl, traffic terror, emissions. Like Bruno Taut in the 1920s, he relocates entire cities to rocky mountains and keeps the valleys free for the greenery. […] Certainly a significant part of science fiction was in it, which neither reaches the vision nor the practice. But however, the young Poggi believed, like the young century, in the revolution of life through art.
Manfred Schneckenburger
By provoking the imperfect, constantly changing document, he irritates the artistic consumerism of the gallery visitors. But he is also confronted with a lack of comprehension among the simple people on the street. Because for them their values of order and cleanliness in art are under attack.
Veit Loers
He is not an easy artist and his art is not a soft pillow. Here a troublemaker is at work, who does not want to frighten people, but scare them up from their passivity, who questions supposed certainties, who manages to render conceivable things visible.
Helmut Schneider
Pino Poggi is an artist in his imprint, sensitivity and creativity. As such he is used to think in images. Needless for him to switch on an actual translation process between perception and thoughts triggered by it. His thought corresponds to an image in which a problem appears to him, captivates him, and to which he immediately turns.
Peter F. Althaus
You will ask yourself: Do we talk here of a missionary or an artist? Except for the unworthy split of terms: In the case of Pino Poggi, himself – the person – steps into the foreground and makes us forget all titles and labels. […] With him, art, education, actionism, protest, project planning and multimedia communication unite in a single intensively represented world praised with powerful optimism – in Pino Poggi’s Arte Utile.
Laszlo Glozer
Is Pino Poggi’s useful art more useful than other art? Do we talk about art here at all? Is an interesting new form of creatively engaged journalism being developed here? By now those questions can not be answered. But the approaches to initiate, record and – enriched by one’s own artistic contributions – continue communicative processes are certainly worth the attention.
Wolfgang Längsfeld (in: Wie nützlich ist nützliche Kunst?)