The two models describe the final stages of a process we are witnessing. They are mentally linked to the figure of Laocoon, the priest who warned the Trojans not to accept the wooden horse as a gift from the withdrawing Greeks. He is a cautionary example for me – his warning was not heard and so Troy’s downfall was sealed. Even in our time there are imploring voices nobody listens to. Perhaps the fate of King Midas threatens us: Everything he touched turned to gold. He would have starved to death if a gracious god, Dionysus, had not freed him from the consequences of his greedy wish.
Waste (Model AU)
A white shimmering, magnificent square with arcades in the shape of a funnel. From golden taps in every corner of the square, whose beauty will not last forever, flows water incessant and uncontrollable. Not possible to close the taps…
The consequences (Model AU)
From a labyrinthine area, irregular stairs lead up to a funnel-shaped place that is closed (blocked; Italian: chiuso). No more water flows from the side wells. The water pipes are made of solid gold. Ash comes out of the pipe that is still working.
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